Updates January 2019

New single line diagram, string box electrical configuration improved

pvDesign - version 1.5.3

New features

In this update, we made the following changes:

  • New medium voltage single line diagram: In this version we introduced a new document, the single line diagram for the medium voltage system. The document is available in PDF and DXF, and it contains a page for each line of the medium voltage system. The lines connect power stations in series to the substation.

New medium voltage single line diagram

  • New model for calculating the string box configuration: The model for calculating the string box electrical configuration was completely remade. The new model should yield better configurations, both in regards to the layout fill factor and to how close the configurations are to the target DC AC ratio.

Improved electrical configurations

  • Design results page: We made improvements to the page which should make it load faster and be more responsive. You may also have noticed the energy losses chart was improved. More inputs were added to the configuration tab.
  • Minor changes to the KML file error messages. Now they should be more helpful when a naming mistake is made.

Improvements and bug fixes

We also fixed the following bugs:

  • The october month was missing from the charts in the meteorological resource and energy production.
  • We fixed a bug which was causing the efficiency model of certain inverters (those lacking three curves) to yield unrealistic results.
  • We fixed a bug which caused the vertical roads to have perimeter roads.
  • We improved the calculation of the number of power stations per line, so that more reasonable lines are created when a high-power power station is used.