Updates July 2019

Infrastructure changes, new Listing of Cables, new content in Tutorials, improved NEC standard.

pvDesign - version 3.0.23

In this update, we made the following changes:

  • Infrastructure changes: For the past months, we have been working to improve our server infrastructure. This month we completed the change to the new architecture, which should result in faster simulations and overall higher reliability.
  • Listing of Cables document: This spreadsheets lists all the cables in the photovoltaic plant. For each cable, you can check its length, section, voltage drop, etc. To download the document, go to the Design page (you will need to simulate again to get the document for old simulations).

Download the listing of cables

  • New content in Tutorials: We redesigned the tutorials page and added video tutorials in English and Spanish. Check them out in Tutorials.

Redesigned tutorials page

  • Improved NEC standard: We made improvements to the criteria used to compute the cable dimensions when using the NEC electrical standard. The sections should now be more realistic than before.
  • Sites across multiple UTM zones: It is now possible to upload a site which spans across multiple UTM zones. We also implemented a correction for the convergence effect of the UTM coordinate system.

We also made the following minor improvements and bug fixes:

  • The information about the site country, region and city is now more accurate than before.
  • We fixed some bugs in the calculation of results for the Bill Of Quantities.
  • We made improvements to the DC bus routing algorithm which should result in shorter simulation times.
  • We fixed a bug which caused the redirection to the bad request page to fail in some cases.