Updates May 2024

Enhancing capacity and flexibility for Switching and Breaking Stations in ST Polygons 

RatedPower- backend v19.0.4 , Frontend v.9.0.0 

In May, we have released enhanced switching and breaking stations in ST polygons, boosting site capacity and improving project documentation. Additionally, we have completed the migration of our authentication provider from Amazon Cognito to the Auth

New Features 

  • Introducing multiple switching and breaking Stations in ST Polygons: Previously, you could only place one switching and breaking station (SBS container) in a single ST polygon (a defined area or region). Now, you can place multiple SBS containers within the same ST polygon, and these SBS containers will be represented on the layout along with the MV electrical interconnection. Furthermore, with this update, the capacity limitation is removed. The SBS containers can now handle as much load as needed without limitations.  

What documents are affected by this release? 

    • Bill of Quantities (BoQ) under the SBS sheet.  
    • Listing of cables: new MV cables from SBS to OHL. 
    • Financial analysis: new cables from SBS to OHL added to MV line length and trench length. 
    • SBS report: new tables representing each SBS container. 
    • SBS layout and SLD: one page per SBS container. 
    • Layout: includes SBS containers and changes in ST polygon color. 

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  • Migration to Auth0 identity platform: The Auth0 platform is the software Enverus uses to add sophisticated authentication and authorization to our applications. This change of provider aims to improve security, streamline user experience, and integrate seamlessly with Enverus applications. With the migration completed, the RatedPower login will now be the Enverus login. What does this entail? All users are required to reset their passwords. Please follow the instructions provided here to reset your password.  

Bug fixes and improvements 

  • Fixed a bug which popped a wrong pop-up when hovering the mouse over the parameters in the results section. 
  • Fixed a bug which caused the power values for multiple AAs not to show. 
  • Fixed a bug which disabled adding parcels when using the “US parcels” tool. 
  • Fixed a bug which did not visually display the German content in the Equipment tab correctly. 
  • Fixed a bug which did not allow scrolling in the sites list inside Site Creator. 
  • Fixed a bug which caused error pop-ups to appear for earthworks and on structures in the overview map of Design Process. 
  • Added a missing error message for SBS containers. 
  • Added an error message to in Design Process related to not having meteorological data. 
  • Fixed a bug where SBS was disabled due to an increase in capacity and changed to station, but the grid requirements measurement points have now been updated accordingly. 
  • Fixed an error that prevented users from running the design. 
  • Fixed default values for interconnection facilities when there is no site loaded. 
  • Added the feature to show MV cables in the output KML file when the layout is generated. 
  • Adjusted meteo data location to better reflect available areas. Now, both meteo and albedo data location is sourced from the center of the available envelope. 
  • Fixed the second and subsequent PSs in position for a layout without roads, ensuring that the fence setback distance to point AA is maintained as required. 
  • Added number of containers field to the SBS results table.  
  • Fixed a bug in the interconnection recalculation process when selecting extra high voltage. Specifically, this fix enforces the DBB arrangement for the interconnection facility and sets up duplex OHL configuration. 
  • Fixed the issue where InitDB would generate a Null Pointer Exception while reading simulations. This occurred due to a null substation arrangement in the inputs simulation table. 
  • Improved the utilization of the SBS area to reduce the error rate of SBS too small. 
  • Improved the fitting of SBS containers and fence by adjusting the fence to match the perimeter, while also respecting the 2.5m setback whenever feasible. 
  • Improved assignation of RA types in new sites.  
  • Added a second page to the General Layout PDF specifically highlighting ST and OHL components that may be omitted from the first view due to the primary focus on the PV plant. 
  • Improved the power factor calculation method by including the PI model of the overhead line. 
  • Fixed zero kV value at the MV level in the design report for SBS voltage. 
  • Fixed an SBS error that caused issues with dimensioning the polygon.