Updates October 2022

Partial structures, redesigned pages

pvDesign - backend v9.0.24, frontend v4.3.0

In October, we released one of the most anticipated features in the history of pvDesign. The partial structures feature allows user to include shorter trackers or fixed structures in the PV plant layout. These smaller structures fill the gaps left in the layout when the default size structure does not fit, resulting in higher peak power. This release required months of work and innumerable changes to the layout calculation model, which had to be reviewed in its entirety.
We also improved the look and feel of pvDesign, and released many smaller bug fixes and improvements.

New Features

The following new features were added in October:

  • Partial structures: It is now possible to use shorter structures to fill in the gaps left by the default structures in the layout. To use the shorter structures, head over to the equipment tab in design process. Next to the strings per structure input, you will find a new dropdown selector with more strings per structure values. Each value corresponds to a shorter structure which could be used in the layout. Depending on the irregularity of the perimeter of the PV plant, up to 10% more peak power can be achieved, with higher gains possible depending on the mounting structure choice. The number of shorter structures which was used can be found in the design report and in the bill of quantities document.
  • Redesigned pages: We have redesigned the projects page, the designs page, and the my company page. The pages have a new look, with more compact elements allowing for more content to be displayed in the page. These changes should result in an improved user experience for the software.
  • Improved map legend: We merged the legend with the layers element in the maps shown in the design process page and design page. The new legend is especially useful when using topography filters, making it easier to discern which structures were removed for specific reasons.
  • Overhead line documentation in Portuguese and Chinese: The overhead line documents (overhead line report and layout) can now be downloaded in Portuguese and Chinese.

Bug fixes and improvements

We released the following bug fixes and improvements:

  • We reviewed the configuration of offset geometry operations, resulting in slight changes to the shape of corners in roads and other layout features.
  • Fixed an error which could cause a simulation to fail when connecting an area to the BESS area.
  • Fixed an error in the calculation of the LCOE when the OPEX cost was introduced.
  • Fixed a bug which caused the positioning of piles to be wrong for some structures.
  • Fixed a bug which caused structures which were disabled to appear in the interface.
  • Improved the estimation of the BESS capacity used in design process.
  • Fixed a bug which caused the BESS capacity not to be considered for the overhead line calculation.
  • Fixed a bug in the selection of the language when downloading documents.
  • Fixed a bug in the overhead line documents, regarding the units of the drawing.
  • Fixed an issue which could cause pvDesign to stop responding under certain types of load.
  • Fixed an issue which could cause a simulation to fail if two restricted areas touched.
  • Improved the performance of some geometry operations, which should result in slightly faster simulations.
  • Fixed a bug which was causing errors when uploading meteorological data CSV files.
  • Improved error handling for CSV files which exceed the file size limit.
  • Fixed several errors which could cause simulations to fail when using partial structures.
  • Fixed an error which could cause overlapping structures.
  • Improved Portuguese translations for all documents.
  • Improved placement of linked-row trackers.
  • Allow OHL path definitions with two points.
  • Fixed an error which could cause neighboring power stations to overlap each other.
  • Removed an error check for the elevation CSV files which was confusing.
  • Fixed an error which occurred when laying LV cables connecting a partial structure with a collector.
  • Fixed a bug which could cause a simulation to fail when generating the bill of quantities document.
  • Fixed an error in the structure details modal.
  • Added filters to the structure selection modal in design process.
  • Fixed a bug which occurred when cloning a structure in the equipment tab.
  • Fixed a bug in the company page which caused an error when changing the company logo.
  • Fixed an error which occurred when the user had MFA (multi factor authentication) enabled.
  • Fixed a bug which caused the all documentation button not to work.
  • Fixed several translation errors.
  • Fixed a bug which caused text to overlap with other interface elements.