How to import site elements by uploading a CAD file (DWG)

In case you utilize CAD or receive site details in this format (DWG or DXF), then you’ll learn in this article how to easily upload it to RatedPower.

There are some advantages in using CAD when creating the boundaries for the site, such as having a more precise definition. In RatedPower, you have the option to upload a DWG file for your site. To upload it, you can follow the steps below:

  1. Under the site tab, you need to click "Create new site".
  2. Then you will be redirected to the Interactive Site Creator (ISC). After that, on the right side, click on "Import site info". 
  3. A new window will open where you will be able to select the AutoCAD option. But before uploading the file, you first need to ensure two items:
    1. It is a " DWG" file and not DXF. You can easily convert it by opening on CAD and saving it to DWG in any version.
    2. The file does not exceed 20MB.

  4. Once you click import, there are 2 possible outcomes:
    1. The tool has successfully identified a CRS inside the CAD file, and will show you the name, a description with the location, and the associated code. If the information shown matches your site, you can proceed by clicking on confirm. If it does not match the country or you think the EPSG code is not correct, you can type in and search for the right one. 


    2. The tool has not identified a CRS imbedded in the DWG, and the user will need to manually type and search for the EPSG. Once you have found the correct EPSG you can proceed by clicking "select". In case you don't know the code, you can check this article to help you quickly identify it.

    Once you have completed this part, you will be taken to the two-step "layers" and "elements" selection, which will be explained briefly.

Layers and Elements

This phase will allow us to 1st choose the layers we want to upload to the tool, and 2nd to choose the exact elements inside each layer. Let's first take a look at what the site could look like if we opened on AutoCAD, and check the different layers and the elements associated.


  1. Layers
    The idea in the first step is to basically choose the layers that have the elements you intend on bringing to your site. You will check the box on each one that you need, and then click on "Import Layers". You can select a maximum of 30 different layers. Each must not have more than 500 elements (points, polygons and lines). If it exceeds the 500 elements, then that specific layer will not have the option to be selected.


  2. Elements
    After selecting the layers, the next step will be to choose the elements from each layer that you want to add to your site. Here, for each element you will need to have the box "checked", and the type of element "selected". The layer name will also be shown under each element to help you quickly identify them.


    As you check the elements they will turn purple, and you will be able to see which other ones are missing.

    Once all the required elements are selected, you can proceed and click "Import Elements", followed by completing all the necessary and required items to successfully create the site.


Tips and Recommendations

  1. Due to the size limitation of 20 MB and to smooth the uploading process, If you have the AutoCAD license it's recommended to isolate the layers/elements and only leave in the file the ones you will need. An example would be elements such as topographical lines that can oversize the file and cause some slowness. You can also freeze the unwanted layers on AutoCAD, and those will not be shown on RatedPower. 
  2. In the case of polygons (AA, RA, ST, SBS, BA), it's required that all lines are connected (joined) to make a polyline on CAD, and that the first point is always connected to the last point. Failing to have the lines joined and closed, the software will import those as separate lines and you will not be able to connect them after to make a polygon.

    Exception: If you have polylines but the first and last point are very close, in the type selection of the element in "Step 2" you can choose any line (MV cable, Shortcuts, OHL), and after uploading you can select that line and click convert to polygon.image (14)-1image (15)-1

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